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Writer: Barbara Roux-LevratBarbara Roux-Levrat
Mother and daughter in conflict

My client Mary went from feeling drained, desperate and overpowered by the constant fights with her teenage daughter to feeling strong, serene and in control of the relationship.

Less than 1 month ago, Mary came into my life after a client of mine recommended my work to her.

She came because she was desperate. She is a lovely woman, smart, capable, well educated.... but, going through what felt like hell to her.

All because of the relationship with her 18 year old daughter.

She had raised her as a single mother and her people-pleasing tendencies had created a tyrant out of her.  The daughter had become an expert at harassing and manipulating the mother to get away with anything she wanted. Most dinner times ended with the daughter stomping away from the table and slamming the door to her bedroom.

And it didn't matter how much the mother gave in, it was never enough. Her daughter always found a new reason to get angry and demanding.

This left Mary feeling totally bewildered and depressed.

To make things worse, her daughter suffers from an autoimmune disease, which makes Mary afraid of being “too harsh” with her daughter and making her suffer even more.

In our session, she shared how she felt powerless in front of her daughter. Like her voice didn’t count, independently of how hard she tried to make herself heard.

Then we dug deep.

I helped her access the trauma in her body and she could feel how this sensation had been there since childhood. It was her parents then, and now it was her daughter. But the feeling was the same: she felt helpless and powerless.

So, I took her on a journey to her past where we could rewrite her story, and give her a new perspective she had never considered. When we were done, it was as if a veil had lifted from her eyes. Now she understood the part of her that she needed to integrate and how to handle her daughter!

Sure enough, as she showed up differently and behaved and reacted in a totally new way with her daughter - their relationship dramatically improved in only 3 weeks!

The stomping away from the table has diminished… Mary is able to hold her ground and watch her daughter be the one that reaches out first after an argument… She’s strong not to fall into guilt and fear now. This has given her a sense of relief and empowerment she had never felt before in her life.

In turn, the daughter is insisting less and giving up faster on her unreasonable demands.

For the first time in a long time, Mary is experiencing relief and a sense of control in the relationship with her daughter. Instead of tears, she now had a smile on her face. 

Our work is not over yet, but we’re off to a great start.

And i'm here to tell you that this is what is available to you too.

Just like I helped my single mother client D to turn her relationship around with both her children.

Or like I helped my client N transform a colleague from a bully into a great friend.

Or like I helped my client C transform her relationship with her husband, from being on the brink of divorce to now having the best times together. 

If you feel stuck in your relationship with your children (it can be any age) or family members or boss, partner or colleagues, or whoever it is, and you’re feeling disempowered and frustrated, perhaps even depressed, and you would like to transform it into a healthy relationship, where you turn the tables around and take the upper hand, then we need to talk.

You can book a free discovery chat here:



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