I just want to share my problems with my emotions. I'm 20 yrs of age, turning 21 this July.
I really want to share my feelings. I think that I am so weak when it comes to my emotions that I have become a pessimist.
I'm unemployed right now, I recently resigned from my work last April because of health problems. I have dreams that I want to achieve, I live at home together with my family. I want to go abroad someday but every time I come close to it, I feel so weak when it comes to my family. I really love them so much.
Please help me and advice what to do.
Waiting for your response :) Thank you . And power to your website :)
I hear you. You are so young, and still you feel stuck in your life.
You say that you have dreams to achieve, like going abroad, yet your love for your family is keeping you from achieving them.
I have a question for you: is it possible to love your family while at the same time going abroad?
Yes it is! Loving somebody is a state of your heart. You can still love them, even if you are far away. Loving someone doesn't mean you have to stay close to them, or do everything they want, or even take care of them.
You can love them while pursing your dreams. In fact, couldn't you love them even more if you would go abroad, learn, grow, work, develop yourself, achieve your dreams?
Setting an example for them to follow their own dreams, is a way of loving them!
Love them as much as you want, AND follow your dreams. Those two conditions are not mutually exclusive.
Following our dreams gives us the energy that we need, because when we are passionate about something we feel alive. This is because there is life running through our veins!
Don't delay! Start making plans to make your dreams come true. Go on the internet, do research, talk to people who have done it already, find the cheapest way to do it, the easiest way, the most inspiring way.
I have found that the biggest reason why we don't follow our dreams, is because we don't know enough about them!
We have a vague idea... and this just isn't enough! Nor to motivate us, nor to imagine it, nor to make it concrete in our lives.
Get passionate about your dream! Learn so much about it that it becomes so CRYSTAL CLEAR in your head that it materializes.
And when doubt rears its ugly head, repeat to yourself, out loud, and while jumping up and down "I CAN DO IT! I CAN DO IT!! I CAN DO IT!!"
Because you can. Because all the power of the universe lives within you. In every cell of your body and in every fiber of your being.
Big hug to you,
If you are ready to step into your power, book a free discovery call with me here: https://www.emotional-strength.com/appointment